60 Minutes - Season 41 Episode 47
60 Minutes - Season 41 Episode 47 - News TV Shows 44:14. story about Scott Pelley reports on the illegally shipped electronics refuse to China, which includes the harm which is caused to the environment and those who salvage the components. Steve Kroft examines the effect on the economy caused by credit-default swaps. Morley Safer interviews inventor Forrest Bird, the inventor of the medical respirator.
- 1. The Bailout/General O/The Collider2008-09-28
- 9. Easy Nukes, For Better or Worse2008-11-23
- 11. The Oil Kingdom, Schnabel2008-12-07
- 14. The Road to the White House2008-12-28
- 18. Brace For Impact, Coldplay2009-02-08
- 22. Follow the Failure; DNA exoneration2009-03-08
- 24. Barrack & Michelle Obama2009-03-22
- 30. Ecuador, Saudi Arabia, wine2009-05-03
- 31. Military, Spy, Baseball2009-05-10
- 32. Secretary Gates, AIG, Anna Wintour2009-05-17
- 35. Federal Reserve, Dolly Parton2009-06-07
- 38. The Cheater$/Mind Reading/Gorongosa2009-06-28
- 39. Saving Flight 1549/Bon Jovi2009-07-05
- 40. Kill Bin Laden/Eyewitness2009-07-12
- 41. Remembering Walter Cronkite2009-07-19
- 42. Gun Rush/Poisoned/Steve Wynn2009-07-26
- 45. Michael Vick2009-08-16
- 46. Remembering Don Hewitt2009-08-23
- 50. The DEKA Arm2009-09-20