60 Minutes - Season 41 Episode 46
60 Minutes - Season 41 Episode 46 - News TV Shows 44:14. story about Morley Safer looks back at the extraordinary life and career of television pioneer and 60 Minutes creator Don Hewitt.
- 1. The Bailout/General O/The Collider2008-09-28
- 9. Easy Nukes, For Better or Worse2008-11-23
- 11. The Oil Kingdom, Schnabel2008-12-07
- 14. The Road to the White House2008-12-28
- 18. Brace For Impact, Coldplay2009-02-08
- 22. Follow the Failure; DNA exoneration2009-03-08
- 24. Barrack & Michelle Obama2009-03-22
- 30. Ecuador, Saudi Arabia, wine2009-05-03
- 31. Military, Spy, Baseball2009-05-10
- 32. Secretary Gates, AIG, Anna Wintour2009-05-17
- 35. Federal Reserve, Dolly Parton2009-06-07
- 38. The Cheater$/Mind Reading/Gorongosa2009-06-28
- 39. Saving Flight 1549/Bon Jovi2009-07-05
- 40. Kill Bin Laden/Eyewitness2009-07-12
- 41. Remembering Walter Cronkite2009-07-19
- 42. Gun Rush/Poisoned/Steve Wynn2009-07-26
- 45. Michael Vick2009-08-16
- 46. Remembering Don Hewitt2009-08-23
- 50. The DEKA Arm2009-09-20