60 Minutes - Season 40 Episode 7
60 Minutes - Season 40 Episode 7 - News TV Shows 44:14. story about "Curve Ball" investigators the Iraqi defector who fabricated a story about WMDs that helped drive the U.S. into war in the Middle East. "The Ivory War" investigates elephant poaching in Africa. "Captain of Capitalism" profiles venture capitalist Tom Perkins. "Andy Rooney" talks about not wanting to be a politician.
- 10. Awakenings/Hi-Tech Heist/Eagles2007-11-25
- 14. Joel Osteen/Roots/The Winner2007-12-23
- 18. House of Cards/Saddam's Confessions2008-01-27
- 19. Dubai Inc./Gordon B. Hinckley2008-02-03
- 31. The IAF/Justice Scalia2008-04-27
- 34. The List/Garden of Eden/Bon Jovi2008-05-18
- 39. Al Hurra/Life Saver/Fish Fuss2008-06-22
- 40. The Purge/Roots/Will Smith2008-06-29
- 45. Dubai Inc./Stat Man2008-08-03