Penny (2013)
Set in the late 1950s, 'Penny' captures the energy and style of the iconic drive-in era in Australia. This short film follows Timmy (Jason Agius), a young cleaner at the drive-in, in his quest to impress local dancer Penny (Steph Dunbar) and win her heart. Aided by his friend Donna (Jodi Eames), a waitress at the Drive-In diner, he sets out to learn how to rock 'n' roll with the best of them.
Released: Dec 07, 2013
Runtime: 13 minutes
Stars: Jason Agius, Steph Dunbar, Jodi Eames, Jacob Fyfe, Nathan Luke, Lara Jean Marshall
Crew: Stuart Stanton (Writer), Joel Frances (Cinematography), Stuart Stanton (Director), Adam Haywood (Digital Effects Supervisor), Adam Haywood (Producer), Stuart Stanton (Editor)