Pati Parameshwar (2014)
The film revolves around the life of a childless couple, Arindam, a police officer and his beautiful wife, Sharmila. They have a pet dog named Pluto, who accidentally runs off on a summer afternoon. What follows afterwards in the life of this couple is what the film is all about.
Released: Nov 07, 2014
Runtime: 142 minutes
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Rituparna Sengupta, Rajatabha Dutta, B.D Mukherjee, Supriyo Dutta, Bobby Chakraborty, Biswanath Basu
Crew: Surojit Chatterjee (Director), Shubhranil Biswas (Writer), Anjan Kumar Roy (Producer), Surojit Chatterjee (Music), Surojit Chatterjee (Compositors)