Undressed Minako (2013)
"Tsuukai! Big Daddy" is a documentary television show on TV Asahi. The show depicts the real life of Kiyoshi Hayashishita and his family. Movie "Undressed Minako" follows the life of Kiyoshi Hayashishita's ex-wife Minako Hayashishita. Minako Hayashishita separated twice from Kiyoshi Hayashishita and the movie reveals secrets about their divorce. Her father was also abusive, Minako had a baby at the age of 15 and her father was found dead long after his death.
Released: Nov 09, 2013
Runtime: 102 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Tomoko Nakajima, Takashi Shigematsu, Ami Tomite, Ruri Shinato, Minako Hayashishita, Natsumi Hirajima
Crew: Katsuya Kamo (Executive Producer), Ryôko Nozoe (Producer), Naohiko Ninomiya (Producer), Minako Hayashishita (Novel), Toshiyuki Morioka (Director), Shinji Kugimiya (Director of Photography)