'n Saak van Geloof (2011)
Set in the magical Karoo town of Prince Albert the story revolves around forgiveness, acceptance and the meaning of miracles. When Maritjie Naude, an 18 year old farmgirl and the only child of Ella and Kallie the owners of Hoopfontein, comes home on Christmas Eve and tells them that she’s pregnant, it’s enough to shock any parents of a young daughter, but then she drops a real bombshell that will flabbergast not only her mum and dad, but the entire town. Maritjie assures them that she’s still a virgin. The only explanation to her pregnancy – it must be the work of the Holy Spirit!
Released: Sep 09, 2011
Runtime: 1:47:31 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Lelia Etsebeth, Robbie Wessels, Riana Nel, Niekie van den Berg, Vanessa Lee, Michael Brunner
Crew: Diony Kempen (Director), Ronelle Loots (Editor), Jaco Botha (Story), Andre Kempen (Musical)