The Blossoming of Etsuko Kamiya (2006)
In Kagoshima, in the final days of World War II, an offer of marriage comes to Etsuko Kamiya, who lives with her brother and his wife. The offer comes from Nagayo, but Etsuko is attracted to his friend, Akashi.
Released: Aug 11, 2006
Runtime: 111 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Tomoyo Harada, Masatoshi Nagase, Shunsuke Matsuoka, Manami Honjo, Kaoru Kobayashi
Crew: Kazuo Kuroki (Director), Kazuo Kuroki (Screenplay), Masataka Matsuda (Writer), Hideki Yamada (Screenplay), Kazuya Naito (Producer), Teizō Matsumura (Original Music Composer)