Jab (2025)
“JAB” is a hard-hitting Drama about an illiterate young man named Harry who likes to box in his spare time. He bears little emotion in his day-to-day life, only expressing it within his fists. Anger, sadness and depression are the only feelings he feels, but one day, he makes a risky move by opening himself up to people he believes he can trust; however, he might have chosen poorly......
Released: May 31, 2025
Runtime: 6 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Jonny Nagele, Sam Greenfield, Mia-Darcy Garcha
Crew: James Greenfield (Producer), Peter Ferris (Sound), Harrison Coleman (Director of Photography), Ethan Hillier (Camera Operator), Ethan Malha (Sound), Mia-Darcy Garcha (Casting Director)