Invasion Quartet (1961)
This British men-on-a-mission spoof set during World War II finds intrepid officer Bill Travers leading three colorful compatriots into Nazi-occupied France to destroy an obnoxiously large, loud, and destructive enemy gun. See if this fearless foursome can stomp their Fascist foes and get back to their game of cricket! Spike Milligan, Gregoire Aslan, and Thorley Walters co-star.
Released: Sep 01, 1961
Runtime: 91 minutes
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Bill Travers, Spike Milligan, Grégoire Aslan, John Le Mesurier, Thorley Walters, Maurice Denham
Crew: Jay Lewis (Director), John Briley (Screenplay), Norman Collins (Story), Ronald Kinnoch (Producer), Ron Goodwin (Music), Geoffrey Faithfull (Director of Photography)