Kanni (2024)
Follows Kalyani, a small-town girl from Maharashtra, India, who, after losing her job, devises a risky plan with her roommates to marry a UK citizen and secure her future. As friendships are tested, and relationships are at stake, Kalyani learns that true success and happiness demands facing inner fears, ultimately realizing that the path to a meaningful life is a journey of resilience rather than shortcuts.
Released: Mar 08, 2024
Runtime: 130 minutes
Stars: Hruta Durgule, Ajinkya Raut, Shubhankar Tawde, Rishi Manohar, Vallari Viraj, Robina Hula
Crew: Sameer Joshi (Director), Vaibhav Bhor (Producer), Gagan Meshram (Producer), Sameer Joshi (Writer), Ashita Mehta (Costume Designer), Vishal Shelke (Music)